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Product Information

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The cupuaçu is a tropical rainforest tree related to cocoa. Contains teacrina (a powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and analgesic) but not caffeine and theobromine. It is an excellent source of tannins and flavonoids such as catechins (antioxidants and astringents), quercetin (antioxidant, anticancer, vitamin regulator), kaempferol (antiviral, antibacterial and effective against diabetes, leukemia and numerous cancers), and teograndine . It is a fruit rich in fiber, amino acids, fatty acids including omega-3, vitamins (A, B, C, E) and minerals, including iron.

Cupuaçu Pulp 400g

  • Natural product. No preservatives, sugar or chemical colourings.


    Store at -18°C

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